Robert Menzies

Robert Menzies is the Owner and Chairman of the Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railway Company.

He acquired the Aberdeen Carolina & Western in 1987 from the Aberdeen & Briarpatch Railway. He has had a lifelong interest in the transportation industry. He began his undergraduate studies in transportation at Arizona State University. He continued on to receive a graduate degree in transportation and logistics at Michigan State University. Bob then taught transportation at Murray State University in Kentucky as well as Tri-State University in Indiana.

He has owned businesses in other service industries across the U.S., and always stresses the need for good service to his customers. He carried that mentality to Aberdeen Carolina & Western, where we continue to value the customer’s everyday needs. Bob has also served as President of the Railway Association of North Carolina in previous years.

Contact Robert Menzies

Contact Us

For Emergencies: 877-533-6913
Main Office: 910-974-4219
Fax: 910-974-4282
967 NC Hwy 211 E
Candor, NC 27229

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